Mother Tongue

Mothertongue is a culturally sensitive, professional counselling and listening service where people are heard with respect in their chosen language. The charity offers holistic support to people and professional development to staff and volunteers from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities.

The language support offered, in partnership with agencies such as The Citizen’s Advice Bureau, can, for some, be the difference between settling well and integrating productively, or getting into severe difficulties.

We have accredited professional counsellors who speak a minimum of two languages, a team of multi-lingual cross-cultural volunteers who deliver support to clients.

We deliver counselling and practical language support in over twenty languages and can offer support in other languages through trained and culturally sensitive interpreters. The BACP accredits only the counselling provision within our service and not our other activities.

About Mothertongue

Mothertongue is a charity limited by guarantee, governed by a board of trustees. Our belief is that as a truly productive and multi-cultural society we need to find ways of reaching out to each other across cultural divides.

Our Vision

Mothertongue exists to enhance communication, understanding and learning across cultures.

Our Mission

Mothertongue provides culturally sensitive professional services, where people are heard with respect in their chosen language. The charity offers therapeutic holistic support to people, professional development to staff and volunteers and dissemination of learning for the benefit and empowerment of BME communities.

Our Objectives

“The relief of hardship experienced by people from a broad range of cultural/minority ethnic backgrounds, suffering emotional and psychological distress and social exclusion (which can occur when people suffer from problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, bad health, family breakdown, racism and lack of sensitivity to cultural issues), by the provision of a listening and counselling service which is culturally sensitive and available in English and other languages according to the client’s preference and availability of resources.”


Mothertongue has become the first counselling service in Reading to be accredited by the British Association. The BACP stated that the application for accreditation was of a very high standard “representing a thoughtfully managed and effective counselling service working in a vital area of counselling provision”.

New Job Opportunities with Casino Companies

As professional social counsellors, we are aware of how crucial a job is for expats/immigrants to be accepted into the society of their host country. That is why multilingual jobs are extremely sough-after.

Thankfully, the UK job scene offer plenty of opportunities to BME communities, in part thanks to new casino UK operators which are constantly on the outlook of multilingual individuals who can help expand the business into different markets – and different languages.

The latest casino and betting companies are always in need of professionals speaking more than one language, in several business areas. This way, even immigrants who do not possess an extremely refined skillset can be able to attain employment.

Not only that. Many of the latest casinos and gambling companies emerged in the UK have supported many social justice initiatives to favour and encourage the employment of people belonging to linguistic/racial minorities.

  • The Queens Award for Voluntary Service
  • The Queens Award for Voluntary Service
  • The Queens Award for Voluntary Service


Pasalo Project: Sharing Mothertongue's knowledgeafter closure

New anthology - In More Words Launched 5th

Mother Language Day Event 21st February

Newly published paper available to read

Call for Stories -New Anthology to be published


Please visit the charities-commission website to see our full year accounts.

Costa, B. & Dewaele, J.M. (2012) Psychotherapy across Languages: beliefs, attitudes and practices of monolingual and multilingual therapists with their multilingual patients, Language and Psychoanalysis My Languages matter: the multilingual outlook for children in care - a White Paper Mothertongue Counselling Referral Form In Other Words - An Anthology of Interpreters' Stories Call for Stories - New Anthology Mothertongue Annual Report 2015-2016 Confidentiality Policy Data Protection Policy Mental Health Interpreting Form Code of Practice - Mental Health Interpreting Annual Report 2016-2017 In More Words - Anthology of International Interpreters' Stories